What type of car lift fits the workshop most?
An important question for every workshop
When organizing a small car workshop, we must take into account the selection of the most important device, which is the lifter. The small amount of space obliges us to make a sensible decision in this matter.
Equipment for a small workshop.
In Poland, a lot of small businesses are created every year. Car workshops also belong to this group. In the case of small companies, the workshop area is the most important. This is a limited place for gathering basic equipment necessary to perform all repairs and inspections of vehicles. There is a huge amount of equipment available on the market that must be found in the car workshop, so the right choice is very difficult for a number of reasons.
Car lifter
A car mechanic must have an appropriate and efficient lift, but before deciding to buy the right one, it is worth considering what to use. The specialization of services is important – it can be vulcanization, sheet metal works or painting. The type of vehicles that will be supported in the workshop is also of significant importance. It is also worth paying attention to the amount of owned housing and solidity of the substrate. The lifts work not only up, but they also put a lot of stress on the workshop floor, lifting vehicles weighing more than a ton. It is also necessary to check the electrical connections under the hoist – they should be three-phase. In a small and narrow room, a high-lift scissor lift will work best. It is an excellent equipment for performing, for example, vulcanization. It has a small size and does not take up much space when folded. The single-column and pneumatic lifts will also be useful. Remember that the wrong lift can not only destroy your premises, but also threaten the health and life of people working with you.
By choosing the right lift for your small workshop and want to avoid unnecessary expenses and troubles, it is best to start by seeking advice from specialists.
– Author: Grzegorz Pospieszczyk
Which lift fits in a small workshop?
A car lift is a basic tool that is needed for vehicle repairs and diagnostics. Today’s devices allow for much more than a workshop channel, and do not require such financial outlays. However, what equipment works best? The choice depends on the needs and available resources. Below we answer the question “what kind of lift should be installed in a small workshop?”.
Types of lifts
There are several basic types of car lifts, each of which has its advantages and disadvantages. The most common is:
- column lifts,
- scissor lifts,
- punches.
The first of these are in three versions: one, two and four columns. Two columns allow you to release the wheels while lifting the vehicle, making the device suitable for replacing them. The four columns are characterized by the highest stability, but they lift the entire vehicle, together with the wheels. To release them, you need additional small lifts, offered on some models. You can easily carry out the current service, repair and replacement of brakes, suspension or transmission.
Scissor lifts consist of one or two platforms lifted with special levers. They can be hidden in the floor, thanks to which they occupy much less space than their columnar relatives. Some types allow you to release the wheels while lifting the car. In the case of one platform, the whole bottom of the vehicle is hidden, so a more universal choice will be lifts with two platforms.
Stamp lifters are the most expensive devices of the mentioned. However, they offer the best quality and take up the least space. The principle of their operation is based on the piston that emerges from the cassette present under the floor. Depending on the type, it can allow any type of repair.
Drive types
The first type is an electric drive. It gives relatively high stability, thanks to which the weight of the vehicle is well balanced. Such hoists, however, are expensive to maintain. The hydraulic drive is quite cheap and effective. The mechanism is based on the operation of oil-powered pumps. Such lifts are characterized by high speed of operation. The most expensive output is pneumatic drive, which uses compressed air for operation.
What lift for a small workshop?
The best choice for small workshops will be two-column lifts and scissor lifts with two platforms. They are characterized by relatively high universality and allow for the majority of necessary repairs. If the budget permits, it is worth investing in stamp lifters that offer significant space savings. However, the best type of drive will be hydraulic and pneumatic.
– Author: Conture
Which lift to mount in a small workshop?
Many car mechanics are wondering what car jack to choose for a small workshop. Usually, in small workshops, a channel is enough to allow free access to the car while it is being repaired. However, in the long run the channel is not very comfortable for a working car mechanic, because he has to waste time entering and leaving. Therefore, many mechanics are thinking about equipping their workshop with a car lift.
Criteria for choosing a car lift
Choosing a car jack for a small workshop is not easy, because you should consider the planned purchase carefully so that the installation of the device facilitates work in the workshop. When buying a car lift, consider not only how much space we have in the workshop, but also the height of the ceiling. Before buying a lift, you should also consider its reliability and volume at work. An additional factor, apart from the price to be taken into account, is the service and availability of spare parts on the Polish market. Many specialists advise against cheaper Chinese lifts due to difficulties in the purchase of spare parts.
Types of car lifts
The most important question to ask yourself before buying a car lift is what the lift is intended for. Every car mechanic knows the scope of work carried out in his workshop and when buying a lift, one should be guided by the activities we perform and to which the lift is to be used. There is no point in investing in a lift, which works well in repair activities that are not performed in a given workshop or rarely.
Most car mechanics with small workshops are faced with the question of whether to opt for a 4-column or 2-column lift or an overrunning lift. Each of these lifts has its advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage of the 4-column lift is its stability and safety. The mechanic can work without fear that something will go wrong and the car will fall off the lift. Unfortunately, the 4-column lift has its drawbacks. Above all, it is difficult to change the gearbox, as the crossmember of the lift interferes with this. In the case of a 2-column lift, we have some limitations, as some work on the car will not be done on it. In turn, the advantage of a 2-column lift is its small size, thanks to which it does not take up much space in a small workshop. In the case of a 2-column jack, we have hydraulic and screw lifts to choose from. Both hydraulic and screw lifters have their supporters and opponents. The main complaint against hydraulic lifts is less job security.
Selection of the lift due to corrective actions
Many workshop owners decide to buy several lifts that serve various purposes. For small service tasks on cars, a small hydraulic lift is enough. To work on the current service, brakes and suspension, you can use a mobile scissor lift, which raises tires to a height of about 1 meter. When working on the suspension, a 2-column lift is enough. The 2-column lift is mainly used for suspension, transmission, service and brakes. On the other hand, a 4-column lifter will be necessary to work on the clearance check and to set the convergence. In turn, the scissor-operated scissor lift mounted on the duct works well for all repair work except for replacing the fuel filter. Therefore, we choose a jack depending not only on the place in the workshop, but also on the work that is carried out in this workshop.
When buying a car lift for the workshop, many car mechanics are guided by the price. Others, in turn, advise purchase of branded equipment, even in the used version. Many specialists advise the purchase of a brand lift even after regeneration. Due to the safety and reliability of work, many specialists are of the opinion that when purchasing a lift, not to save, but to opt for better quality equipment and a good brand. However, the most important criterion when buying a lift should be the scope of work that we will be using to make it.
– Author: Piotr Michałowski